1.教育部首次舉辦全國高中英文單字比賽,全國決賽成績揭曉,共有20人榮獲一等獎,30人獲得二等獎,51人拿到三等獎。詳細得獎名單公告請見教育部網站。The Ministry of Education held the first national high school vocabulary contest. Result of the final contest was revealed. In total, 20 students won the first prize, while 30 the second and 51 the third respectively. The detailed list of winners can be found at the Ministry of Education’s website.

2.公益平台文化基金會董事長嚴長壽,在北台灣技術學院演講時,表示許多台灣學生追求高學歷,碩博士數量驚人,但高學歷是否真的對所有不同的人都有幫助,令人存疑。他認為政府或教育部應該重新檢討高等教育的整體計畫,尤其應該設法讓學校找到自己的發展特色。In a speech at the Technology and Science Institute of Taiwan, Yan, Chairman of the Board from The Alliance Cultural Foundation, indicated many local students have tried their best to earn higher degrees, resulting an escalating number of Masters and PhD degree holders here in Taiwan. However, whether higher education is beneficial to all the different individuals is questionable. He deems that the government and the Ministry of Education should reevaluate the entire higher education scheme. Specifically, each university should be able to find its own distinctive qualities and further develop them. 3.由亞洲大學承辦的U19全國創意發明競賽,昨天舉行頒獎典禮,今年共有1388件作品參賽,35件作品得獎,最高榮譽獎由國立新竹科學園區實驗高中廖君宇同學的「救命之窗」獲得,這個窗戶可以在偵測到室內一氧化碳濃度過多時,自動碎裂,防止瓦斯中毒。The award-winning ceremony for an invention contest called the U19 held by the Asia University, Taiwan took place yesterday. This year, there were 1,388 works entering the contest. While 35 won the awards, Liao, June-yu (廖君宇) from the National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park received the championship due to a work dubbed “The Lifesaving Window,” for it can automatically shatter itself and prevent people from being poisoned by the gas once the window detects there is too much carbon monoxide indoor.

4.環保署舉辦的100年度連鎖速食店業資源回收成效輔導評鑑,共有5個品牌16家分店獲得優等,各獲獎分店除了落實資源回收政策外,也製作資源回收與節能減碳等宣導文宣。統計也發現,已經有4.4%的速食店顧客會帶環保杯用餐。環保署呼籲民眾繼續為地球環保盡一份心力。The Executive Yuan’s Environmental Protection Administration conducted a counseling evaluation for the recycling projects performed by the chain fast food businesses in 2011. In total, 16 district fast food restaurants from five businesses won the, dubbed, “Outstanding” prize. Aside from solidifying the resource recycling policies, these chain stores also manufacture publications to promote recycling materials, saving the energy and paying attention to the carbon footprint. According to the statistics, 4.4% fast food restaurant customers would bring the environmentally friendly cups when they have meals in the fast food restaurants. The Environmental Protection Administration advocates the general public to do something constructive for the living environment on the Mother Earth.

5.泰國一所大學的研究結果顯示,泰國教育部政策雖然規定,泰國學生需從小學至高中共計12年學習英文,但大部分泰國學生還不能用英語溝通,至今連一些博士畢業的大學教師也無法在日常生活中使用英文。調查發現,導致此種狀況的原因,可能是學生學習英文的目標僅為能考上大學,學習英語時,只強調文法而忽略口語技能。In Thailand, a research result found by a local university shows even though the Thai Ministry of Education has specifically ruled from the elementary schools to senior high schools, the Thai students need to learn English for 12 consecutive years, the majority of Thai students cannot communicate with the others in English effectively. So far, certain people teaching in the universities in Thailand who are PhD degree holders cannot apply English in their daily lives either. According to the research, the result is probably due to the fact that the students learn English to be able to enter the universities (and to pass the exams). When these students learn English, they emphasize on the grammatical rules instead of the conversational skills.

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